Should You Have a Policy for Hotel and Motel Insurance?

by | Feb 14, 2018 | Insurance

When you decided to purchase your hotel, you did so with taking care of your guests in mind. You are in the public eye and your number one goal is to take care of them and make sure they have a pleasant stay in your establishment. However, even in the best and most prepared hotels and motels, there can be mishaps. When those mishaps occur, it’s a good thing to have hotel motel insurance so that you don’t risk losing your hotel or motel through a lawsuit and bankruptcy.

What does it Include?

Hotel motel insurance policies include several different coverage areas that are only for hotels and motels. You don’t want a simple business insurance policy for your hotel, because it’s not going to cover half of what you need in case of an accident. What does it protect? Read on for some of the things.

  • Damage to the contents of rooms such as furniture and appliances
  • Loss of furniture and appliances in rooms
  • Peril while property is prepared from an accident or mishap
  • Accidental injuries to the guests staying in your hotel or motel
  • Accidental injuries suffered by employees of your hotel or motel
  • Computer loss and breakdown policies exist as well

Should You Consider Insurance for Your Hotel or Motel?

If you are planning on opening a hotel or motel, why would you not want the best and proper insurance. The choice of course if yours, but it’s a great thing to have, wouldn’t you think?

This is just a little bit about hotel motel insurance that you need to know. For more information, contact the professionals at Boardwalk Insurance Group for help and answers to any of your questions about their insurance policies and any other services they offer.


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