Your business is your livelihood for yourself and your family. If you employ others, whether as direct employees or as independent or contracted agents, they also depend upon you for their livelihood. The security of that business lies not only in the return on your...

Month: July 2013
Saving on Auto Insurance in Greensburg PA by Teaching Your Teen to Drive Safely
Most statistics about teen drivers are not good. The IIHS says that a 16-year-old has six times the severe accident risk of a driver between 30-59. Considering that, it’s little wonder why premiums are so high for teen drivers. However, some insurers take a brighter...
Affordable Rates in San Jose with Coast Auto Insurance
Most people understand that in order to legally operate a motor vehicle, a proper amount of auto insurance is necessary. While each state has different requirements for the minimum amount of insurance needed, what most people want outside of the need of meeting their...
What South Lyon Consumers are Looking for in Auto Insurance Providers
If you live in the South Lyon area of Michigan, and if you drive a car, you know that regardless of whether you live in Michigan, Virginia or any other state in the country, auto insurance is required. The amount of auto insurance you need may vary from state to...
Why You Need Auto Insurance-Ortiz Agency Houston
Driving without auto insurance is really one of the dumbest things anyone can do. If you own and drive a car, it's best to leave it parked if you aren't keeping it insured. You may feel you've been fortunate enough to have never been involved in an accident, but...