Auto insurance is required in most states and when you are caught driving without insurance and lose your license, it takes a certificate of financial responsibility in order to get your license reinstated. This document is not actual insurance but is issued by carriers of auto insurance and tells the state that you do indeed have auto insurance and can once again drive. The document is also sometimes required for DUI offenders, but in either case, knowing where to go to get one is crucial if you want your life to return to normal soon.
Driving Without Car Insurance Is Never Smart
When you drive without insurance, particularly if you haven’t had car insurance in a very long time, you may very well lose your driver’s license. In order to get your license back, you must purchase auto insurance and prove to the state that you have it. A certificate of responsibility, or an SR-22 in Fox Lake, IL, is easy to obtain if you know where to start. An SR-22 is required even if you no longer own the car that originally was uninsured because you will still need proof of auto insurance in most states. A reputable auto insurance company can provide you with an SR-22, which means that you will be back on the road again very soon.
Auto Insurance Companies Can Help
When obtaining an SR-22, you will need proof of the insurance you have purchased. Firms such as Alamo Insurance & Financial Service and others offer these certificates for area drivers. Most often, the insurance purchased needs to be at a minimum the state-mandated liability insurance for those who drive a car or truck. Naturally, you can purchase additional insurance coverage if you desire, but the certificate needs only the minimum amount required by the state.