Mixing Vape Liquids

by | Feb 16, 2017 | Insurance

With vaping becoming more and more popular, it is only natural for a DIY crowd to spring up around it. Vapers in particular are largely into DIY projects, and many choose to mix their own liquids. While not everyone approves of vaping, it is still less harmful than smoking, even if it is not benign itself. Sadly, life insurance for vapers is often just as much as it is for smokers since many insurance companies consider it a tobacco product. If you are one of the many people choosing to improve their health by quitting smoking, then here are a few tips for mixing your first liquid.


This first thing you will notice if you get a vape or someone you know uses one is that they use a liquid as the flavor and nicotine source. This liquid is made by many manufacturers as well as stores and can even be made at home. Many home mixers will use baking extracts as their flavoring. If you choose to do this, then mix 80/20 filler to the flavor. Avoid artificial flavorings and opt for natural extracts for better results.


Most vape liquids simply a combination of Vegetable Glycerin(VG) and Propylene Glycol(PG) and a flavoring mixed in precise ratios. The consistency and harshness of your liquid will depend on the ratio of VG to PG. PG tends to be thinner, cheaper, and harsher. It is often used to dilute VG which can be too thick to use in some atomizers without some PG to thin it out. This allows the liquid to adsorb into the coil faster and prevent burning.

VG heavy liquids or ones made entirely with VG tend to have a sweeter flavor and be much smoother. They will also last longer than PG only or PG heavy liquids, but this comes at a price. If you are a heavy user, then there may not be enough time for the coil to soak up more liquid between uses. This will depend entirely on you.

How Can I Measure The Liquids?

The best way to measure your liquids is with blunt tip syringes. These can be bought online cheap and will allow you to get exact amounts for your liquids.


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