Driving without auto insurance is really one of the dumbest things anyone can do. If you own and drive a car, it’s best to leave it parked if you aren’t keeping it insured. You may feel you’ve been fortunate enough to have never been involved in an accident, but sometimes that luck can run out. Never drive without auto insurance. Period! Here are some of the main reasons that you better keep auto insurance.
If you are involved in an accident that is your fault and you have no insurance, any victim that was injured in the accident will be left in a vulnerable state. Their medical bills and other needs will not be met. This will most likely result in you being sued on a personal level. Auto Ortiz Insurance Agency Houston can give you a quote on the car insurance you need.
If you are driving without auto insurance, you are not legal. State laws now require that all drivers are to be covered. They assess state minimums to that law and if caught driving without insurance, you will receive a pretty hefty fine.
Without insurance you will also be left with no way to replace your vehicle if it is wrecked. Some accidents may not totally ruin your vehicle but some accidents will totally destroy one. If you are uninsured, you will not collect the funds to pay your financed vehicle off or purchase another one.
Driving without auto insurance can also result in loss of your drivers license. More states are cracking down on the insurance law. It is not uncommon for a person to lose their license if the problem is not resolved quickly. That is when Auto Ortiz Insurance Agency Houston can come to the rescue with a much needed quote for coverage.
It’s obvious that driving without auto insurance is a really dumb decision. Not only do you open yourself up for third party liability but you are putting many others at risk by doing so. It’s always better to be safe than sorry and make sure you always have adequate auto insurance coverage.