Multiple individual insurance products can help protect you and your family for unexpected problems in your future. One insurance product in particular, individual disability insurance, can do so much more. Purchasing individual disability insurance as long term disability insurance through your employer in Florida can provide all of the following.
Coverage for Medical Expenses When You Are Injured
Health insurance covers a lot of your medical expenses when you are injured at work. However, there are many more expenses it may not cover or expenses related to long-term care. The long-term disability insurance pays you cash to cover these kinds of expenses.
Protects Your Assets
This type of disability insurance helps you keep what you have. If you are the major breadwinner in the house, a disabling accident and condition can make it impossible to keep up with the mortgage, car payments, etc., if you don’t and can’t work. Protect your assets by purchasing this type of insurance.
Protect Your Family’s Future
Being out of work indefinitely wreaks havoc on family life. There are a lot of daily stressors and worries about money and who will take care of them and who will take care of you. A particularly disabling condition means that extra help is needed to care for you, and that extra help can mean the difference between a family divided and a family united. To get this type of disability insurance in Jacksonville, Florida ask your employer or contact website today and get started.