Auto Insurance Services in Palm Coast for Drivers Who Don’t Own a Vehicle

by | Nov 24, 2015 | Auto Insurance

Someone who doesn’t have a vehicle at the moment but is still going to drive other people’s cars needs Auto Insurance Services in Palm Coast. Maybe this person’s car broke down, and the price of repair was so high that it was unreasonable to get it fixed, so the car was junked instead. Perhaps this individual felt forced to sell his or her vehicle because of serious financial trouble. No matter what happened, if someone is going to be driving on public roads, automotive insurance is required.

The friend or relative who lend out a vehicle may have insurance that doesn’t cover anyone else driving the car. In the event of an accident, the driver is at risk of serious financial trouble. Even if using that car is just an occasional event, having some type of insurance coverage is important. If the individual is allowed to use this vehicle for more regular travel, such as going to work several days a week or making a trip to a nearby town every weekend, insurance becomes even more crucial. If the driver causes an accident, he or she is liable for any damage or injury that results. If this person has no way to pay, the owner of the vehicle may wind up being responsible. That vehicle owner could become the target of a lawsuit by an injured person or the owner of damaged property.

One option an agent from a firm such as Heritage Insurance Services may offer is carrying non-owner’s automotive insurance. The person then will be covered no matter which vehicle he or she drives. Another option that an agent with Auto Insurance Services in Palm Coast may be able to accomplish is to have the vehicle owner include the additional driver on the policy. Many insurers don’t allow this unless the additional driver lives in the same house as the policyholder or is a relative. However, an independent agent can contact a large number of insurers about the types of coverage they offer. This allows a customer to essentially craft a customised policy that best suits his or her needs. More information is available at First Florida Insurance .


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