From home to cars, people know to purchase insurance coverage for their personal property in case an accident should ever happen. Insurance is designed to help relieve the owner of the financial burden that can follow an accident that involves their property. Just as a homeowner would purchase coverage to help protect the money they invested into their home, it is important to buy insurance to protect their investment into a horse. Especially, when the individual owns multiple horses that can cost a substantial amount of money to purchase and care for the animals. With equine liability insurance, a horse owner can purchase coverage for to help financially cover the animal if it should fall ill or damages caused by the animal.
What Type of Insurance Coverage a Horse Owner Should Consider
- Health insurance should be purchased to cover the expenses of a horse should fall ill or injured to the extent they require major medical care from a professional.
- Equine liability insurance is designed to cover any injuries or damages that a third-party sustains when an accident occurs that was caused by the horse.
- Mortality insurance is a special coverage that is designed to cover the cost of a horse that has been stolen or passed away. While monetary value cannot replace the emotional impact of losing a cherished animal, it can provide financial relief.
- Property insurance designed specifically for a farm should be purchased to protect the barn and equipment used to care for the horse.
- Additional insurance such as care, custody, and control should be obtained for anyone that cares for another person’s horse while they are breeding or training the animal.
Select an Agency That has Experience with Horses
Harbin Equine and Farm offers their clients experienced agents that have a vast amount of knowledge required to know the type of insurance coverage a horse owner requires. They can assist in finding the right policy to ensure the owner is fully protected in case of an injury or other unforeseen circumstances risk their investment.
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