Canada’s national unemployment rate has dropped to 5.8 percent, a four-decade low, the Global News reports. Given the numbers, hiring demands may outweigh talent supply. That’s gives applicants, especially those with specialized skills, more leverage when they choose their employers.
If you’re running a small business and you want to make sure you hire great talent, you’ll need to start offering competitive remuneration packages. Start by offering benefits.
Salary Isn’t Always the Goal
A lot of employees will take a job with a lower pay if it offers better benefits. Employees will sometimes leave jobs because of better benefits elsewhere. If you want to attract and retain the best people, then invest in employee benefits. Choose insurance plans that can offer better benefits in order to attract employees in Toronto.
Engaged Employees Are Happy Employees
Offering benefits helps improve employee satisfaction and engagement levels. Lack of engagement can impact with your organization with high attrition rates. Engaged employees are happy employees. Happy employees like to stay where they are. Choose an insurance provider and policy that offers excellent benefits for your employees in Toronto. That’s one way to start improving engagement and keeping your people for the long term.
Less Stress Means Better Productivity
Medical and wellness benefits help keep your employees healthy. Healthy employees have fewer sick days. Every year, the impact of excessive sick days is a high cost to employers. Absenteeism at work costs a lot of money. If your employees are healthy, they are more likely to be at work and be more efficient and productive.
No more cookie-cutter solutions
There are insurance products that are flexible enough to meet both your business needs and the needs of your employees. The flexibility helps meet the diverse needs of your employees. You and your workforce don’t have to settle for traditional, cookie-cutter high cost group insurance plans. When you start checking out group insurance options and providers, insist on getting a plan that fits your needs and budget.